Tuesday, 25 November 2014

“I name this app QUBE v3. May God bless her and all who work on her.”

Party goers put sticky notes on the
world map to show where they're
joining from
The latest iteration of QUBE, the world's most engaging collaborative learning and business transformation social medium, was released earlier this month. Version 3 improves almost every aspect of QUBE, which means more learning, easier to use, faster, fully integrating learning and doing real work and completely eliminating the difference between ‘being online’ and ‘being there’.

To celebrate the release and give people an opportunity to try out the new version, Pentacle threw a launch party. Of course, the party took place entirely on QUBE, so that people around the world could join without having to leave their own desk. The New World Café was decorated specially, and there was a virtually unlimited supply of virtual champagne.

Users chatting on the New World Cafe
lawn, in front of the main presentation
Throughout the day veteran and new QUBE users dropped by to meet the Pentacle team, including professionals from AkzoNobel, Amey, Atkins, BAE Systems, Birmingham Community NHS Trust, Duke Corporate Education, Gower Publishing, Grant Thornton, Lexmark, Telefónica, Thomson Reuters, Vink, Vizeum and Wolters Kluwer, among others.

Many of the Pentacle tutors were on hand to demonstrate how working on QUBE increases engagement and makes collaborating with geographically-dispersed colleagues easy. Dr David Lomas spoke about some of the new features available in Version 3, and Prof Eddie Obeng outlined his vision for the future of executive and management education. Guests who had previously attended courses on QUBE shared their experience of how working virtually had enhanced performance in their organisations, and there were also video showings on the lawn screen, such as Eddie’s TEDGlobal talk.

Dr David Lomas tells some guests
about the new features in Version
3 of QUBE
By the end of the launch party, it was determined (using the handy Carbon Calculator built into QUBE) that a total of 42,479 miles of travel had been saved by everyone meeting on QUBE instead of physically. This means that all the participants would have had to drive for 21 hours (or fly for 6 hours) each, and 103 trees would have had to be planted to offset the carbon emissions!

If you weren’t able to attend the launch party, don’t worry. If you gather together a couple of your colleagues, you can have a “guided tour” with one of the Pentacle tutors, who will run a short workshop for you on a useful topic. To book a time, go to http://PentacleTheVBS.com/ContactDetails.htm

If you haven’t already downloaded Version 3 of QUBE, you can get it from http://QUBE.cc/Downloads . First time using QUBE? Go to http://PentacleTheVBS.com/QUBE_TryIt.htm to get an entry pass.